The central focus of this research group is music up to the early 18th century, known, performed or preserved in the Iberian Peninsula and former overseas colonies, particularly that related to Portugal, with the aim of integrating knowledge of it in international musicological consciousness and discourse on early music. This includes the identification of relevant historical sources, musical or non‐musical, and their comprehensive study, making materials available through traditional media or the Internet and publishing musical collections and specific repertoires. It also implies an assessment of their social, cultural and geographical contexts, research into related aesthetic, theoretical and interpretative issues and the recovery of these repertories for performance. The group also fosters interdisciplinary training at an advanced level leading to an understanding and treatment of the sources and their contents. The working ethics of this group is based on collegiality, the promotion of national and international cooperation, as well as open access to sources collected and the results of research.
Current Team
João Pedro d’Alvarenga (Principal Researcher)
Assistant coordinator
Océane Boudeau (CEEC Auxiliary Researcher)
Integrated members holding a PhD
Alberto Medina de Seiça (Hired Researcher) | Andrew Woolley (Invited Researcher) | António Jorge Marques (NT Researcher) | Bernadette Nelson (CEEC Principal Researcher) | Elsa De Luca (NT Researcher) | Filipe Mesquita de Oliveira (Assistant Prof. U. Évora) | João Vaz (Coordinator Prof. IPL-ESML) | Kristin Hoefener | Manuel Pedro Ferreira (Full Professor) | Maria Luísa Castilho (Coordinator Prof. IPCB) | Pedro Couto Soares (Assistant Prof. IPL-ESML) | Pedro Sousa Silva (Coordinator Prof. IPP-ESMAE) | Rui Araújo | Svetlana Poliakova (Assistant Prof.)
Integrated members without a PhD
Carla Crespo | Cristina Cota | Diogo Alte da Veiga | Luís Henriques (U. Évora) | Manuela Morilleau de Oliveira | Nuno de Mendonça Raimundo | Zuelma Duarte Chaves
Ana Gaunt | André Gaby | Carlos Sánchez Leonardo (IPP-ESMAE) | Esperanza Rodríguez-García | Eugénio Amorim (IPP-ESMAE) | Eva Mathilde Ribeiro | Graça Videira Lopes (Retired Prof.) | Giulio Minniti | Haig Utidjian | Inês Leão Martins | Inês Trindade | Irene Brigitte Puzzo (IPP-ESMAE) | João Távora (IPP-ESMAE) | Liane Luís | Lívia Pombal | Luís Neiva (IPP-ESMAE) | Maria Adelaide Miranda (Retired Associate Prof.) | Mariana Lima | Mariana Carvalho Rosa | Pablo Sainz de Robles (IPP-ESMAE) | Pedro Guedes Marques (IPP-ESMAE) | Rafael Reis (IPL-ESML) | Sonia Gonzalo | Tiago Garcia Pinto | Tiago Gomes de Sousa
Funded projects
2023-2026 Echoes from the Past: Unveiling a Lost Soundscape with Digital Analysis (ECHOES), 2022.01957.PTDC. Total funding: €249.506,10. Research Team: Elsa De Luca (PI), Manuel Pedro Ferreira (Co-PI), João Pedro d’Alvarenga, Océane Boudeau, Alberto Medina de Seiça, Zuelma Duarte Chaves, Carla Crespo, Diogo Alte da Veiga. 36 months, started 1 March 2023. Ongoing.
2022-2023 The Musical Manuscripts from the Monastery of Belém. The Exploration of an Unknown Hieronymite Tradition, EXPL/ART-PER/1031/2021. Total funding: €47.380,33. Research Team: Océane Boudeau (PI), João Pedro d’Alvarenga (Co-PI), Alberto Medina de Seiça, Carla Crespo, Carlos Sánchez Leonardo, David Andrés Fernández, Diogo Alte da Veiga, Elsa De Luca, Inês Leão Martins (BI), Inês Nunes Trindade, Kristin Hoefener, Laura Albiero, Luísa Correia Castilho, Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Manuela Morilleau de Oliveira, Mariana Carvalho Rosa (BI), Pedro Sousa Silva, Santiago Ruiz Torres, Zuelma Chaves. 18 months, started 1 January 2022. Ongoing.
2022-2023 Music paper and handwriting studies in Portugal (18th and 19th centuries): The case study of the collection of the Count of Redondo (MARCMUS), EXPL/ART-PER/0749/2021. Total funding: €49.494,38. Research Team: António Jorge Marques (PI), Andrew Woolley (Co-PI), João Pedro d’Alvarenga, Rui Araújo, Zuelma Duarte Chaves, Lívia Pombal (BII 2022-23), Liane Luís (BII 2023), Eva Mathilde Ribeiro (BI 2022-). 18 months, started 1 January 2022. Ongoing.
2021-2024 Texts and voices lost and found. Recovering, reconstituting, and recreating musical fragments (c.1100-c.1600), PTDC/ART-PER/0902/2020. Total funding: €244.770,57. Research Team: João Pedro d’Alvarenga (PI), Manuel Pedro Ferreira (Co-PI), Andrew Woolley, Alberto Medina de Seiça, Bernadette Nelson, Carla Crespo, Diogo Alte da Veiga, Elsa De Luca, Kristin Hoefener, Maria Luísa Castilho, Nuno de Mendonça Raimundo, Océane Boudeau, Pedro Sousa Silva, Rui Araújo, Zuelma Chaves, Giulio Minniti (BIPD 2021-2023), Tiago Gomes de Sousa (BI 2021-), Inês Trindade (BI 2023-), Eva Mathilde Ribeiro (BII 2021-22) Pedro Guedes Marques (BII 2023). 36 months, started 1 March 2021. Ongoing.
2016-2019 The Anatomy of Late 15th- and Early 16th-Century Iberian Polyphonic Music: An Overall Analysis, Philology and Critical Editing of Surviving Repertories, PTDC/CPC-MMU/0314/2014. Total funding: €183.211,00. Research Team: João Pedro d’Alvarenga (PI), Bernadette Nelson, Emilio Ros-Fábregas, Isabel Pires, Kenneth Kreitner, Owen Rees, Tess Knighton, Zuelma Chaves, Esperanza Rodríguez-García (BPD). Research assistants: Nuno de Mendonça Raimundo (BI), António Baptista (BIC 2017-18), Adriana Dias (BIC 2018-19). Concluded. Read more about this project.
2015-2016 The Historical Book Collection of Arouca Monastery: Recovery and Cataloguing, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Ref. 138407. Beneficiary institution: Real Irmandade da Rainha Santa Mafalda. Partner institution: INET-md. Total funding: €19.840,00. Research Team: Manuel Pedro Ferreira (PI), Arnaldo de Pinho, Inês Correia, Adelaide Miranda, Vasco Negreiros, Ana Sá Carvalho, Teresa Lança Ruivo, Maria José Almeida Mendes, Dulcineia Trancho Loureiro. Research Assistants: Diogo Alte da Veiga, Zuelma Chaves. Concluded.
2010-2013 Musical Exchanges, 1100-1650: The Circulation of Early Music in Europe and Overseas in Iberian and Iberian-Related Sources, PTDC/EAT-MMU/105624/2008. Total funding: €150.000,00. Research Team: Manuel Pedro Ferreira (PI), Bernadette Nelson, João Pedro d’Alvarenga, Elena Sorban, Ivan Moody, Pedro Sousa Silva, Elsa De Luca, Diogo Alte da Veiga, Rui Araújo, Mara Fortu, Adriana Latino, Tess Knighton, Katherine Helsen, Owen Rees, Leandra Scappaticci. Research Assistants: Ana Sá Carvalho, Carla Crespo, Zuelma Chaves. Concluded.
2007-2008 Anthology: Music in Portugal up to the Renaissance, Instituto das Artes, Apoios Pontuais 2007, PP07-331. Research Team: Manuel Pedro Ferreira (PI). Concluded.
2005-2008 Digital Survey of pre-1600 Musical Sources, POCTI/EAT/46895/2002. Research Team: Manuel Pedro Ferreira (PI). Research Assistant: Diogo Alte da Veiga. Concluded.
2005-2008 Cultural Confluences in the Music of Alfonso X, POCTI/EAT/38623/2001. Research Team: Manuel Pedro Ferreira (PI). Research Assistant: Rui Araújo. Concluded.