Ana Sofia Malheiro

Ana Sofia Marinho Malheiro


Natural from Guimarães, Ana Sofia Malheiro concluded her Specialized Education in Music (piano and voice) at the city’s conservatory. She has a degree in Musicology from the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in Lisbon, which she completed with distinction, earning seven merit-based awards from institutions such as Santander and the NOVA FCSH. She also won the “Summer with Science” project, an initiation research scholarship promoted by the investigation center CESEM and FCT, and voluntarily collaborated with the Portuguese Early Music Database.

She has a master’s degree from the same faculty, but now in the communications department, specializing in Journalism, an area she is familiar with since being a contributor to the magazine “Glosas”, which belongs to MPMP, Património Musical Vivo. She also had several publications in the newspaper PÚBLICO. In 2023, she joined the Centro de Investigação & Informação da Música Portuguesa. In parallel, she is CESEM’s Science Manager and Communicator. Her responsibilities include managing the website and social networks.