António Jorge Marques (DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0073)

António Jorge Alves Marques

Research Group
Thematic Lines

Flautist (Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, 1992) and musicologist (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1999 and 2010). Since 2000, has been devoted to the study and dissemination of Marcos Portugal’s life and work. In the doctoral dissertation, A obra religiosa de Marcos António Portugal (1762-1830): catálogo temático, crítica de fontes e de texto, proposta de cronologia [The sacred oeuvre of Marcos António Portugal (1762-1830): thematic catalogue, source and text criticism, chronology proposal], extensive calligraphic and paper-type studies were developed. The database born from that investigation, MARCOSMUS, was published by the Bernstein Project in The Memory of Paper, a site in 10 languages about paper and its history, containing 52 collections and more than 295,000 searchable watermarks. The critical edition of Marcos Portugal’s Missa Grande (2009) has given rise to concerts in Portugal, England, France, Spain and Germany, in addition to two CD recordings (Portugal and France). He was the curator of the exhibition Marcos Portugal (1762-1830): 250 anos do nascimento [Marcos Portugal (1762-1830): 250th anniversary], held at the National Library of Portugal (October 2012 / January 2013) and at the Ducal Palace of Vila Viçosa (June to September 2013). In October 2014, the essay Niccolò Jommelli rediscovered: a new autograph of a 16 voice Laudate pueri won an honourable mention in the 6th Principe Francesco Maria Ruspoli International Competition; the essay and reconstruction of the work were published in 2021 (Saggi Ruspoli, Libreria Musicale Italiana). The joint project with the Lisbon Chamber Choir (CCL), concerning the 19th-century sacred music publications of Marcos Portugal, was financed by the Direcção-Geral das Artes on two occasions (2017 and 2019), resulting in the publication of a book with the critical edition of four works and the release of the corresponding CD. António Jorge is the PI of the funded project MARCMUS – Music paper and handwriting studies in Portugal (18th and 19th centuries): the case study of the collection of the Count of Redondo (EXPL/ART-PER/0749/2021). He has been a member of the Lisbon Chamber Choir since November 1982.