Carlos Alberto Paulino Augusto
Composer, sound designer, lecturer, specialist in acoustic communication and teacher., Carlos was responsible for the Noise Control area of the Environmental Studies Service, of the Secretary of State of the Environment and member of the Portuguese Standards Committee, Acoustics Group (CT-28). Founding member of the Portuguese Acoustic Society.
Worked with composers R. Murray Schafer and Barry Truax and collaborated with renowned composer Constança Capdeville.
Worked in the multimedia area at Expo98 and curated the Music and Sound Arts Program of Coimbra, National Capital of Culture 2003. Author of numerous writings on music, sound arts and acoustic communication. Author of the book “Sons e Silêncios da Paisagem Sonora Portuguesa” (FFMS, 2014). As a composer, his work includes instrumental music, electroacoustic, opera and music theatre. Very active as a composer for the theatre, with music written for over 60 plays, also wrote music for video documentaries, installations, exhibitions, cinema and interactive multimedia. Member and founder of several groups in the field of jazz, free improvisation and electroacoustic music. Video director, mainly in the areas of education and advertising. Writer in several Portuguese and international newspapers and magazines and graphic designer.