César Rodríguez Campos

César Rodríguez Campos


Born in Baza, Granada (Spain) on 4th April 1956. I studied English Philology at the University of Granada, graduating in 1978. Later on, I attended sudies of «History and Sciences of Music» at the same university, holding the degree in 1995. My «Suficiencia Investigadora» thesis (currently equivalent to a master thesis) had as its theme the aesthetics of the Spanish vihuelists.

Professionally, I have worked as a teacher of English and Music in secondary education but, simultaneously, I have developed a career as a researcher, focusing mainly on the history of ideas concerning the vihuela de mano and its music and publishing in journals such as Revista de Musicología and Hispanica Lyra.

It’s also worth of mention my activity as a translator to Spanish and English of academic articles on Early Music, record reviews and historical treatises on music.

Since 2017 I have been engaged on a long-term project concerning the aesthetics, evolution and reception of José Afonso’s work. As a result of my stay at the CESEM as «investigador visitante», the article «José Afonso, Brecht y la vía moderna a la Canção de Protesto has been recently published (see below).

Presently, I am an associated researcher to the Departamento de Historia y Ciencias Musicales de la Universidad de Granada (Spain).