Joana dos Reis Freitas
Full member without a PhD
Joana Freitas is a PhD candidate in Musicology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) with a thesis entitled The quest for the cinematic and the epic: orchestral music as a new genre between video games and digital platforms (funded by a FCT PhD Scholarship (SFRH/BD/139120/2018)). She completed her master’s degree with a dissertation titled «The music is the only thing you don’t have to mod’: the musical composition in modification files for video games» and is an integrated researcher of the Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM). She’s a member of the Research Clusters in Sound and Music in Digital and Audiovisual Media (CysMus), Gender and Music (NEGEM) and Sociology of Music (SociMus), all three integrated into the Group of Critical Theory and Communication (GTCC). Her main areas of interest are video game music, audiovisual media, digital culture and online communities, gender and sexuality, and she has published articles on the Journal of Sound and Music in Games, Contemporary Music Review, Sonic Scope, among others, as well as recently edited two volumes on YouTube and Music with Holly Rogers and João Porfírio.