Since his debut at Teatro Amazonas in 2001 as Tamino, The Magic Flute, Luciano Botelho has been singing opera in the main theaters in Brazil and all over the world. His living experience and passion for the opera stage developed to his recent interest in researching the repertoire of the late 19th century and its phenomenal popularity either in Rio de Janeiro or in São Paulo during the same period. In 2021, he started the first year of the PHD in Musical Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa under the guidance of Professor Luísa Cymbron where he now holds a bursary given by FCT. His research highlights the bilateral relationship in between Brazil and Portugal from 1840 to 1914. Focusing on the opera stage, he brings new understanding about the ties and ruptures between the two countries in a period that establishes the opera theatre as a transnational entertainment industry creating new guidelines for the formation of a Luso-Brazilian tradition.