Modernisms and Nationalisms in the 20th Century: A Perspective from Luso-Brazilian Musical Relations

Modernisms and Nationalisms in the 20th Century: A Perspective from Luso-Brazilian Musical Relations

Principal Investigator: Juliana Wady


Brazil and Portugal are united by a past that, while not common due to the different roles they played, remains undeniably significant in social and cultural terms to this day. In a symbiotic relationship with society, music and the discourses surrounding it reflect the Luso-Brazilian ties in both countries. This research aims to establish a parallel between literary discourses on music in Portugal and Brazil during the interwar period. By analyzing texts from figures such as Mário de Andrade, Mozart de Araújo, Luís de Freitas Branco, and Fernando Lopes-Graça, among others, we seek to understand the interactions between modernism and nationalism and how these concepts reflect transatlantic musical relations. The central research question is therefore as follows: how are the concepts of modernism and nationalism present in Luso-Brazilian musical literature in the early decades of the 20th century? The analysis that arises from this question will be approached from two perspectives: comparative and interactive. Through these perspectives, we will identify convergences and divergences between the different discourses and, complementarily, study the Luso-Brazilian dialogues constructed from these texts. Thus, this thesis aims not only to contribute to a structured and integrated understanding of the ideologies that prevailed on both sides of the Atlantic during this period, but also to develop a joint and articulated reflection on the discourse surrounding music as a catalyst for the creation of a transatlantic space that has yet to be fully explored. This doctoral project is carried out within the framework of CESEM’s strategic project “Thematic History of Music in Portugal and Brazil.”

Implementation period
Funding institution
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Start funding date
End funding date
Musical Modernism; Musical Nationalism; Luso-Brazilian Musicology; Music in the 20th century