Roberto Oliveira

Research Group
Thematic Lines
Research Hub

Multidisciplinary artist specialized in contemporary percussion, he completed his undergraduate studies at the Koninklijk Conservatorium, Hogeschool van Beeldende Kunsten, Muziek en Dans in The Hague, The Netherlands. He continues his studies of “master in music performance” at the Royal Irish Academy of Music in Dublin, Dublin City University (DCU) in Ireland, obtaining the distinction “First Class Honors”.

Throughout his career he has given concerts as a soloist, with contemporary ensembles and symphony orchestras, participating in numerous national and international music festivals. Awarded in the fifth edition of the Premios Martín Códax da Música, he has three solo record works “Pparafusxo” (2010), “Diáspora, novas músicas de aquí e de acolá” (2017) and “Argana, estrutura rítmico espiñal” (2020).

Committed to preserving and disseminating contemporary Galician music, he has given presentations under the titles: «Catalogación y digitalización del fondo Macías: Descripción de los materiales, problemáticas de la digitalización y procesos de catalogación del fondo familiar de Enrique X. Macías»; «Música Electroacústica en Galicia: primeras manipulaciones sonoras de Enrique X. Macías (1974-1980), «Enrique X. Macías: forma y semiótica de los materiales donados al Festival Hispano-Mexicano de Música Contemporánea», «Enrique X. Macías: processes and results of the digitization of magnetic tape»…

Publish the articles «Electroacústica en Galicia: Carencias técnicas e evolucións das primeras manipulacións sonoras de Enrique X. Macías (1974-1979)», Grial: Revista Galega de Cultura (2021), «Miguel Angel Coria, Lúdica I for orchestra: el estreno americano», Revista Ritmo (2022); «Galicia en Xapón. Foglio I: música para clavicémbalo do século XX», Mazarelos: Revista de Historia e Cultura Nº 8 (2022).

Co-founder of ONME Gestión Cultural SL, he is currently a doctoral student at the Faculty of Geography and History of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), where does the thesis «Electroacoustic structural processes in Enrique X. Macías» on the figure of the Galician composer.