Marco Conceição

Marco Paulo Barbosa Conceição

Research Group
Research Hub

Higher education professor, sound designer and audio technician, Marco Conceição was born in Toronto, Canada in 1977. He completed a PhD in Spatial Audio and Surround Sound at Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of Dermot Furlong. He has collaborated with several composers, directors and musicians such as Dimitrios Andrikopolous, Jonathan Nangel, Kevin Volans, José Miguel Moreira, Filipe Martins, Nuno Rocha, Jorge Campos, Fernando Ramos, Rui Penha among others, both as a sound designer and as an audio technician. He has great interest in capturing soundscapes and field recordings with special attention to their immersive and surround attributes. In the last years he has been dedicated to the exploration and development of methods for sound spatialization, relating spatialization to sound design. He has had a regular activity in the teaching of multichannel audio and post-production content for both music and cinema, having been invited to speak at some Portuguese higher education institutions (ESEC, DEI-UC, ESART). He is currently an Adjunct Professor at ESMAE, President of ESMAE, Director of the Audiovisual Services at ESMAE and researcher at CESEM.