Cecília Valentim – III Social Aesthetics Colloquium and Museum

The Social Aesthetics Group (CNPq / USP) emerged in 2016 from the convergence of interests in the arts, especially in situations bordering the artistic field. The ideas of “artists of the social” and “arts in the social” involve the object of studies and lead to the proposition of a “social aesthetic”, following the guidelines of the philosopher Arnold Berleant, whose thinking is characterized by a descriptive phenomenology and an aesthetic environmental.
Initially, the Group promoted research seminars and collaborative projects with the Instituto Ouvir Ativo and the Art of Being Cantante. The objective was to produce knowledge shared between agents and social organizations based on multimodal research and transdisciplinary perspectives in the fields of social aesthetics. This colloquium continues the collaborative actions, initiated in 2018, between the Felícia Lerner Museum and Claudio Santoro Auditorium and the Social Aesthetics Group (CNPq / USP) which is organized by the teachers: Dr. Arley Andriolo, Social and Aesthetic Psychology, IP / USP; Prof. Dr. Gustavo Martinelli Massola, Environmental Psychology, IP / USP; Prof. Dr. Marcelo Petráglia, Social Psychology of Music, FRS and Profa. Ms Cecília Valentim, Social Psychology of Singing, Art of the Singing Being.

Saturday 17 October 10-13h

Free registrations through Sympla: https://www.sympla.com.br/iii-coloquio-de-estetica-social-e-museu-a-experiencia-da-musica-em-situacoes-de-reclusao__974496
You will receive the link to access the broadcast 15 minutes before the start of the Colloquium.

To obtain the certificates, the registration will be via Google Forms and the link will be available during the transmission of the Colloquium. The deadline for receiving the certificates will be 30 days from the date of this event.