Call for papers – deadline 27th of March. Between theaters and bandstands: practices and repertoires for band in the long 19th century

Between theaters and bandstands: practices and repertoires for band in the long 19th century

In recent decades, studies on the activity of wind bands, their repertoires, practices and musicians have seen a notable increase, asserting the relevance of those military and community artistic institutions in national musical scenes. The analysis of the regular and dynamic concert activity of bands during the long nineteenth-century has highlighted, among other aspects, their role in the democratic dissemination of operatic and symphonic repertoires. At the band concerts held in public squares and gardens, local audiences, made up of communities from different social classes, soon enjoyed the same successes of opera houses and listened to the classic masterpieces and other orchestral works which were presented in more expensive venues in opera houses and concerts halls. This diffusion of repertoires, between theatres and bandstands, was incremented by different contexts and practices, such as the common activity of band masters and instrumentalists in opera and symphonic orchestras; the deployment of military musicians and the transit of professional instrumentalists; the endeavour and higher artistic aims of conductors and amateurs from community wind bands; the practices of copying and distribution of repertoires, among wind band musicians; and the following dissemination of works and transcriptions produced by local and foreign composers and arrangers, made possible by an increasingly global publishing market. Carried out within the scope of the Luso Brazilian Thematic History project (CESEM), this colloquium aims to promote discussion and research on the (local and global) creation and dissemination of repertoires for wind band; the interpretation of operatic and symphonic works and entertainment music in band concerts, as well as its reception by critics and audiences, with the aim of identifying connections between contexts and practices that characterized the activity of bands in urban and rural centres, in Europe in America, from the beginning to the nineteenth century to the first decades of the twentieth century.

The colloquium “Between theatres and bandstands: practices and repertoires for band in the long nineteenth century” will be held on April 20-21, 2023, at Colégio Almada Negreiros – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon. Online presentations are as well possible. Paper proposals must be submitted in Portuguese or English, by March 27, 2023, in abstract format (500-1000 words), including title, author identification and institutional affiliation, bibliography (max. 10 works), biographical note (300 words), to . The acceptance of proposals will be notified by April 3, 2023. The official languages of the colloquium are Portuguese and English. Congress registration is free of expenses.


Comissão Organizadora: Inez Martins Gonçalves (PPGH – UECE) Rui Magno Pinto (CESEM – NOVA FCSH)

Comissão Científica: Luísa Cymbron (CESEM – NOVA FCSH) David Cranmer (CESEM – NOVA FCSH) Maria do Rosário Pestana (INET-md – UA) Marcio Spartaco Nigri Landi (IRIM – UECE) Fábio Amorim de Melo (PPGMUS – UFMG) Thais Fernanda Vicente Rabelo Maciel (CEMUSE – UFS)