‘Centuries of History. The Baroque in Dialogue with the five sences’ and ‘There is music in Amadeo’ I Sónia Duarte at the FMAA

Next Saturday, October 5, in the high choir of the Monastery of Santa Maria de Pombeiro, Sónia Duarte, a member of the Research Group for the Study of Music, Critical Theory and Communication, will present a communication about the five senses in dialogue with the art of the Baroque period, at the invitation of the organisers of the III International Early Music Festival of Amarante.

Some of those invited to take part in the dialogue are the organ of Pombeiro and Frei José de Santo António Vilaça; o pão-de-ló de Margaride (a sponge cake), or the painter of musical iconography, Manuel de Freitas Padrão. The communication will be followed by an organ concert by Ricardo Toste.

On 12 October, Sónia Duarte will lead a guided tour of the pictorial corpus of the permanent exhibition at the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum.

Amadeo was an amateur musician. He sang fado and played the Portuguese guitar (Damásio, I: 257). His mother had been a pianist and, in Paris, Amadeo had heard the organ played by Camille Saint-Saëns (Cruz, 1969). His paintings have music in them. One of his first paintings was Pierrot at the piano. This musical iconography is the subject of the project ‘There is music in Amadeo’. Next to each artistic object will be the sound made by the students and teachers of the Amarante Cultural Centre, which will allow us to better see and hear the painting of the great Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso.

The event has the support of DGARTES, the Ministry of Culture, ANTENA 2, Rota do Românico, Cultural Heritage, and Felgueiras City Council. More information here.