The project “Thematic History of Music in Portugal and Brazil” is devoted to the study of music and musical practices in Portugal, Brazil and the southern Atlantic as a significant, influential part of Western cultural history. Through a meticulous examination of this network of musical exchanges, a narrative that has received limited scholarly attention is gradually unfolding.
This project aims to:
1) develop a large-scale, team-based musicological narrative from the earliest documented records to the present day, covering a geographical area that encompasses European Portugal, its Atlantic islands, its commercial or colonial outposts throughout Central and Western Africa (not restricted to post-colonial borders nor to Lusophone countries), and Brazil, in accordance with historical approaches informed by recent critical debates among the international community;
2) conceive the research do be undertaken from a new perspective, a thematically structured History of Music, placing in relief superimposed chronologies, the dialectics of space, means of transmission, circulation and cultural exchange over the current linear and spatially static paradigms;
3) write a History of Music from the perspective of Portugal and the Atlantic margins of Africa and South America, including, as far as possible, the contribution of non-Western cultures, taking into account post-colonial critique.
References: Manuel Pedro Ferreira, “Beyond Nations: a Thematic History”, Muzikologija / Musicology (Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts) nº 27 (2019), pp. 163-86. DOI: 10.2298/MUZ1927163F
Volume Coordinators:
Ideas – Paulo Ferreira de Castro e Diósnio Machado Neto
Cults – João Pedro d’Alvarenga e Fernando Lacerda Duarte
Stages – David Cranmer e Márcio Páscoa
Celebrations, Learning and Sociabilities – Luísa Cymbron e Alberto Pacheco
Mediations – Paula Gomes Ribeiro e Heloísa Duarte Valente
Encounters – Manuel Pedro Ferreira e Rogério Budasz
Managing editor:
Editorial Team:
Editorial assistant:
Contracted researchers:
PhD Grant Holders:
Research Grant Holders:
Sér Vales