Elsa De Luca

Elsa De Luca is going to present a research seminar on “Silent Music, Secret Writing: An Overview of Old Hispanic Notation and Visigothic Cryptography”. We will take an imaginary tour of medieval Iberia, visiting monk scribes, charters, and some music whose sound has been lost forever. The event will be streamed on Zoom and it...
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Andrew Woolley – New Article

Article on seventeenth-century French dance music published Andrew Woolley’s article “From Arrangements to New Compositions: Seventeenth-Century French Dance Music in Portuguese and Spanish Keyboard Sources to 1720” has been published in issue 16/1 of De musica disserenda, the journal of the Institute of Musicology ZRC SAZU (Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences...
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Ana Isabel Pereira

Ana Isabel Pereira is a PhD Student of the Musicology Doctoral Programme, specialism in Education and Psychology of Music. 28th International Pre-Conference Seminar on Research in Music Education, International Society for Music Education (ISME) Research Commission 27 – 31 July 2020 Online conference organized by ISME in partnership with the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Oral presentation of the paper:...
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New article by André Malhado

André Malhado’s article, “Um hipotexto da cultura audiovisual ciberpunk: a participação de Blade Runner no regime de representação ciberpunk” has been published in Cinema e Outras Artes III – Diálogos e Inquietudes Artísticas, edited by Anabela Branco de Oliveira, Ana Catarina Pereira, Alfredo Taunay, Liliana Rosa and Nelson Araújo. Covilhã: LABCOM. Access book here

UPDATE SUBMISSIONS SUPPORT: Call for Papers – MedRen 2021 Lisbon

UPDATE: The Septenary Foundation plans to support the travel costs of independent performer-researchers intending to present a paper in person at MedRen 2021. Further details will appear on the Septenary Editions website (https://www.septenaryeditions.com/) in due course. On 5–9 July 2021, the FCSH–School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa will host the...
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UPDATE SUBMISSIONS SUPPORT: Call for Papers – MedRen 2021 Lisbon

UPDATE: The Septenary Foundation plans to support the travel costs of independent performer-researchers intending to present a paper in person at MedRen 2021. Further details will appear on the Septenary Editions website (https://www.septenaryeditions.com/) in due course. On 5–9 July 2021, the FCSH–School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa will host the...
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Richard Wagner Circle Award – Young Essayist: 2021 Edition

Resulting from a partnership between the Opera Studies Research Line of the CESEM and the Portuguese Richard Wagner Circle, the “Young Essayist Award” will distinguish an essay, written in Portuguese, on the artistic and intellectual legacy of Richard Wagner, particularly with regard to its contemporary repercussions. The winner will receive a travel grant to Bayreuth (where...
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CANTO DA SAUDADE in Portuguese-Brazilian Classical Composers

Launch of a new CD by Pedro Miguel Nunes (baritone), accompanied by pianist Daniel Sanches, both concertists and researchers at CESEM. The CD, with worldwide release not only in its physical format but also in 150 Digital Platforms, includes immortal themes by great Portuguese and Brazilian composers of the 19th and 20th centuries, such as...
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