Bachelor’s degree in Business from Faculdade Padrão (2007) with research on Agribusiness in the State of Goiás, Brazil. Specialist in Music Teaching and Interdisciplinary Processes in Arts by Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas of the Goias Federal University (2010) which he approached The musical scene in the Goianiense society from its basic processes. Master in Music, area of concentration Music in the Contemporaneity, research line Music, Culture and Society, guided by Dr. Magda de Miranda Clímaco, at the Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas – UFG (2012). Doctorate in Musicology at the University of Évora, Portugal, led by Dr. Eduardo Lopes, developing research on University Teaching in Music. Administrator of the Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas – UFG since 2010, also served as Assistant in Administration from 2004 to 2010 and develops research in the area of Cultural Projects.