Full Professor at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), where he also obtained his doctorate in 2003, he is one of the initiators of several national projects related to music related documentation, including the establishment of the International Repertoire of Musical Iconography in Brazil (RIdIM-Brasil) of which he is currently the president, as well as the northeastern chapter of the International Repertoire of Musical Sources in Brazil (RISM-Brasil). He coordinates the UFBA’s Historical Musical Documentation Archive (AdoHM-UFBA) and chaired the Technical Chamber of Audiovisual, Iconographic, Sound and Musical Documents (CTDAISM) of the National Archives Council (Conarq) on behalf of UFBA until its extinction by Decree No. 10,148, of December 2, 2019. Active composer and musicologist, he has widely published his scientific production on music and musical iconography in Brazil and abroad. He works in the area of Music with an emphasis on Historical Musicology, Music Theory and Analysis, as well as Information Science applied to musical documentation. In 2016, he established the UFBA Center for Musicological Studies (NEMUS), which has been stimulating the development of research on Bahia, the Brazilian Northeast and Brazil in general, constituting a true network of academics (musicologists, ethnomusicologists, iconographers, archaeologists and historians) around lines of investigation where the central point is the object of study: music in its different contexts of production, circulation and reception.