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Graduated in musicology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon in 2005, worked as a research assistant on a project in CESEM (Research Center of Music Sociology and Aesthetics) concerning the Cantigas de Santa Maria (POCTI/EAT/38623/2001) and was a researcher associated to the project “Musical Interchange, 1100-1650: The circulation of early music in Europe and overseas in Iberian and Iberian-related sources”, PTDC/EAT-MMU/105624/2008. His PhD thesis studies musical continuities between the Cantigas and the repertoire of the Iberian renaissance music, mainly on the villancicos. Also has developed several databases in CESEM, as part of his role has IT Research Technician. Also studied in Oporto, as a musician, at the Superior School of Music and Performance Arts in the Early Music Department, in the plucked strings instruments area (Lute, Theorbo and Vihuela da mano), focusing in music of the Iberian Peninsula and working with several Early Music ensembles naming Américantiga and Tagus Ensemble, performing Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Music.