REVERBDATA – Impulse response database of important portuguese spaces

REVERBDATA – Impulse response database of important portuguese spaces

Principal Investigator: Diogo Alarcão


REVERBDATA is a project concerned with the creation of a database with detailed acoustic information about significant Portuguese spaces, considering their acoustic, architectural, cultural and functional importance.

The acoustic information contained in the database consists of acoustic acquisitions in the form of multichannel Room Impulse Responses (RIR) that are recorded at various points within these spaces, processed and added to the database, which is accessible through a navigation interface and to enable immersive sound reproduction via FFT convolution reverb, for example.

REVERBDATA is a Unique Repository of Portuguese acoustic, architectural and historical heritage, being a valuable resource for professionals in sound engineering, architecture and interior design, but also in the social sciences. The database covers various spaces such as concert halls, theatres, churches and other culturally significant places across the country providing detailed information about them, including ISO 3382-1 standardized acoustic parameters, architectural features, dimensions, materials and other relevant factors that influence acoustics.

Currently, the REVERBDATA database contains more than 420 high-resolution impulse responses in formats such as AB stereo, Binaural and 1st, 2nd and 3rd order Ambisonics, referring to ca. of 140 locations in 16 significant spaces.

The REVERBDATA project and database (developed by CESEM researcher Diogo Alarcão together with António Couto Pinto) is available at the link

Implementation period
IDI&CA 2023
Start funding date
End funding date
Spaces; Architecture; Acoustics
More information

The first acoustic data was collected in early 2021. This is an ongoing project, depending on the availability of the researchers. Currently, the project has no funding.

Research group