Fernando Lacerda

Research Nucleus

Bachelor of Laws and of Music, with qualifications in Composition and Conducting, he has a master’s and doctorate degrees in Music from São Paulo State University, with post-doctoral fellow at the Graduate Programs in Music of the Federal University of Minas Gerais and in Arts of the Federal University of Pará. He received a CAPES (Higher Education Improvement Coordination) scholarship in graduate and post-doctoral studies. He has teaching experience at different levels, from Elementary to Stricto sensu graduate studies. His field research with mapping of collections and in loco documentary research covers around 175 cities. Him mainly research subjects are religious music, music in the Amazon and Brazilian music collections. He is the author of approximately 170 titles, including journal articles, chapters and proceeding-papers, published or in press, of which more than 135 are the sole author. He was second secretary of the ANPPOM – National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music, having organized, with José Jarbas Ruas Junior, the volume dedicated to the Northern region in the collection “Histórias das Músicas no Brasil” [Histories of Musics in Brazil], published by this association. He coordinates, with João Pedro d’Alvarenga, the volume “Cults” in the project “Thematic History of Music in Portugal and Brazil”. Between 2020 and 2023, he coordinated the DoMus – Musical Documentation Laboratory of Federal University of Pará (UFPA), and was also responsible for its chamber orchestra in 2022. He is currently an effective professor at the, UFPA on leave, and is undertaking a post-doctoral fellow at the Graduate Program in Letters and Arts of the State University of Amazonas (UEA), with a scholarship from UEA itself.