Gilberto Vieira

Gilberto Vieira Garcia


Ph.D. in Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Post-Graduate Program in Education (UFRJ, PPGE, Line of research: History, Subjects and Educational Processes). Visiting Ph.D. Student at School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences ? Paris, in Center for Research on Arts and Language, having professor Esteban Buch as advisor (EHESS, CRAL). Master in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, in the Post-Graduate Program in Education (Puc-Rio, PPGE, Line of research: Ideas and Education institutions). Degree in Music from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Degree in History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professor of Arts-Music at Fluminense Federal Institute (IFF-Itaperuna, RJ, Brazil). Invited professor of History and Music Teaching History (PUC-Rio). Professor of Music Teaching and Supervised Internship in Music (UFRJ, Faculty of Education, 2016-2017). Collaborator at the Center for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CESEM / NOVA FCSH). Researcher of the following research groups on Brazilian Music: constructions, permanencies and appropriations (UFRJ, School of Music) and Teaching and Learning Practices in Music (Colégio Federal Pedro II). Professional Musician.