6th Seminar ‘Music, Critical Theory and Communication’

Between the 9th of June and the 13th of July the VI Seminar ‘Music, Critical Theory and Communication’ will take place.

This seminar, organized by CESEM’s Critical Theory and Communication Group, introduces a set of ongoing research works, promoting the meeting and discussion between researchers, artists and other interested parties, on a diversity of musicological and artistic topics, in an integrated manner, critical and interdisciplinary, in the context of social sciences.

Six sessions take place between June and July, of which five are presented as thematic panels, bringing together twenty exhibitions that aim to address the composition and reception of orchestral music in Lisbon in the 19th and 20th centuries, the production and circulation of stage music in content audiovisuals off and online, perspectives on music and theater, between radio opera, musical theater and music, processes of production and interpretation of audiovisual works and musical practices in the Aushwitz field and in the state of Goiás, in Brazil.

Organizing committee:

Paula Gomes Ribeiro
Paulo Ferreira de Castro
Filipa Cruz
Maria Fernandes