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The ‘Portuguese Early Music Database’ presents a one-day workshop on IBERIAN MUSICAL FRAGMENTS
01/06/2018 @ 09:45 - 17:30 WEST

9.45-10.00 Opening Remarks Manuel Pedro Ferreira (CESEM–NOVA University)
10.00-10.45 Changes in Aquitanian notation in Spanish Plainchant Sources: Taxonomy and Peculiarities Santiago Ruiz Torres (Universidade de Salamanca)
10.45-11.30 An Overview on Castilian Polyphonic Fragments Nuria Torres (Universidad de Valladolid)
11.45-12.30 Problems encountered in the identification of Portuguese medieval liturgical fragments: a case study João Pedro d’Alvarenga (CESEM–NOVA University)
12-30 – 14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.45 The Notation of the Portuguese Plainchant Fragments from Braga and Guimarães (12th–14th cent.) Elsa De Luca (CESEM–NOVA University)
15.00-16.30 Workshop led by A. Baptista, Z. Chaves, S. Ruiz, and E. De Luca
16.30-16.45 Closing remarks Manuel Pedro Ferreira
A thorough analysis of the improvisatory models of the villancicos of Luis Milán and their applicability in the reconstitution of vihuela accompaniment parts
Rui Araujo and Nuno Raimundo (CESEM–NOVA University of Lisbon)
This workshop is in two parts. Firstly, the four speakers will present several examples of Spanish and Portuguese musical fragments dating from the tenth to the sixteenth centuries and discuss their musical and codicological characteristics. In the second part the participants will be actively involved in the identification and description of the contents of some unstudied musical fragments belonging to a private collector who has kindly allowed us to include photos of them within the Portuguese Early Music Database (pemdatabase.eu).
The Portuguese Early Music Database is an ongoing research project which aims to digitize musical manuscripts of plainchant and polyphony written before c. 1650 and make them freely available online for consultation. Currently the PEM database includes reproductions of ca 15% of the manuscripts we have digitised so far and we are seeking new collaborators willing to study for the first time the contents of these sources or to focus on some of the features (such as the decoration, palaeography, liturgy etc.) of the manuscripts already indexed in PEM in greater detail.
The workshop’s goals are to:
• provide the participants with some of the basic knowledge and guidelines they need in order to make inventories of the musical contents of different types of Iberian musical fragments dating from the tenth to the sixteenth centuries;
• encourage new collaborations and partnerships with the PEM Database.
The morning session will be held in Sala Multiusos 2, Edificio I&D, Av. de Berna 26, 1050-099 Lisbon
The afternoon session and the lecture-performance will be held in the Auditorium 001, Torre A, FCSH, Av. de Berna 26 C, 1069-061 Lisbon
The workshop is organized by Dr Elsa De Luca
João Pedro d’Alvarenga (CESEM–NOVA University of Lisbon) is the principal investigator in the research project ‘The Anatomy of Late 15th- and early 16th-century Iberian Polyphonic Music’.
Zuelma Chaves (CESEM–NOVA University of Lisbon) is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon, carrying out research under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Pedro Ferreira and she is also has a Research Scholarship (BI – Master) from CESEM.
Elsa De Luca (CESEM–NOVA University of Lisbon) is development coordinator of the ‘Portuguese Early Music’ Database and she is carrying out post-doctoral research on the palaeography of Old Hispanic notation
Santiago Ruiz Torres (Universidade de Salamanca) is Professor of musicology at the University of Salamanca. He holds a PhD in musicology by the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as the degrees in Piano and Choral conducting.
Nuria Torres Lobo (Universidad de Valladolid) is Professor of Musicology at the University of Valladolid. She holds a PhD in musicology by the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as the degree in History of Art.
Rui Araújo and Nuno Raimundo are doctoral students at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon, carrying out research under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Pedro Ferreira; Raimundo is also under the supervision of Prof. d’Alvarenga. Rui and Nuno are members of the Ensemble Tagus specialized in Iberian renaissance and medieval music.