16 Dec 2020

Job opportunities in CESEM: Applications and Results

Opening of a tender procedure for the selection of a doctoral researcher CESEM – UIDB/00693/2020 «Thematic History of Music in Brazil and Portugal» Application Deadline: 20 working days [beginning: April 8] See notice: here   1 recruitment of a Senior Technician under a fixed-term employment contract CESEM – UIDB/00693/2020 Reference: CT-TS-007/2021/CESEM Application Deadline: 13 April...
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16 Dec 2020

MedRen 2021 Lisbon

On 5–9 July 2021, the FCSH–School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa will host the 49th edition of the Medieval and Renaissance International Music Conference – MedRen Lisbon 2021 – which is to be organised by CESEM–Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music. Proposals in all areas...
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16 Dec 2020

Musical Itinerary – International Day for Monuments and Sites

Concentration near the entrance of Colégio Mateus d’Aranda, Rua do Raimundo, Évora. The musical itinerary “Sacred music in Évora in the 16th and 17th centuries” intends to take the participants on a short walk through the historic center of Évora, having as a guide the musical activity of the city’s religious institutions during the 16th...
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16 Dec 2020

Seminar on Evora’s 18th Century Sacred Music

The first seminar of the Sacred Music project in Évora in the 18th century will take place on the 16th of February, starting at 3 pm in the Church of S. Vicente, associated with the UÉ Pole of the Center for the Study of Sociology and Aesthetics of Music in FCSH / UNL. The event...
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