Maria João Serrão

Maria João Reis e Sousa de Matos

Research Group
Research Hub

– Agregation: “The Erudite Musical Theatre. The contemporary Voice”, University if Lisbon (2008).

– Doctoral : “Constança Capdeville, between Theatre and Music”, Université de Paris VIII, Département de Sciences, Technologies et Esthétique des Arts-Musique (1997).

Equivalence by the Department of Ciências Musicais-Históricas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1997).

– Master: “ Kurt Schwitters: Merz et l’Ursonate. Poesie, Voix et Musicalité”, Université de Paris VIII (1993).

– Maitrise: “Une Approche au Théâtre Musical au Portugal. Constança Capdeville et Don’t Juan”, Université de Haute Normandie, Rouen (1992).

– Perfectionnement et Virtuosité en Chant au Conservatoire National de Musique de Genève (1976-78).

– Diploma of Concert Singer, Soprano, Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa (1978).

– Diploma of Children Educator, Institute of Childhood Education, Lisbon (1961).

Professor Coordinator of Voice and Music in the Hihg School of Theatre and Cinema of Lisbon. Coordinator of the Master in Performing Arts, Department of Music Theatre (1985-2010). Researcher and member of the Scientific Council of CESEM, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, UNL (since 1996). First professional activity as a Singer co-founder of the Gulbenkian Choir (1964-1976). Soprano integrating the Grupo de Música Contemporânea de Lisboa, directed by Jorge Peixinho having performed in several european countries and in Portugal, namely in the Gulbenkian Festival of Contemporary Music (1978-1982). Artistic and pedagogical career in Paris (1982-85). Edition of doctorial thesis “Constança Capdeville, entre o Teatro e a Música”, Ed. Colibri, support by CESEM/FCT, Lisbon (2006). Edition of the french version of the thesis “Constança Capdeville entre théatre et musique”, invited by Editions Universitaires Européennes, Saarbrücken, Germany (Nov. 2016). Professor of “Voice and Artistic Expressions” in the inter-generational University UNISBEN, Benfica/Lisbon, as volunteer (since 2011). Masterclass on Mário Máximo’s poetry including final open performance.


Researcher and Member of the Scientific Council of CESEM – in the Centre of Studies in Sociology and Arts Esthetics of the Faculty of Letters/ Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Agregation on the subject “The Musical Theatre. Contemporary Voice”, by the Universidade de Lisboa. Coordinator Professor of Voice and Music Department in ESTC – Superior School of Theatre and Cinema / IPL (1985- 2010). Concert singer and performer.
Living in Paris between 1982-85 invited by the composer Horatiu Radulescu for the interpretation of his spectral vocal music; singer and actrice in music- theatre creations of the composers Georges Aperghis, Tom Johnson, Vinko Globokar and Michael Finnissy, with participation in the Festival d’Automne de Paris 1983. Still in France, concert singer in several contemporary music festivals with the Nouvel Ensemble Contemporain directed by Pierre-Albert Castanet. As a singer integrated the Grupo de Musica Contemporânea de Lisboa, directed by Jorge Peixinho with participation in several Festivais Gulbenkian de Música Contemporânea. Creation with the portuguese guitariste and composer José Lopes e Silva of musical performances illustrating the exhibition of the portuguese plastic artists represented in the Viena Biennal of Visual Arts in1980. Artistic collaboration to the theatre piece “António e Cleópatra”, mise-en-scène of Tiago Rodrigues, director of the National Theatre D.Maria II in Lisbon, in Centro Cultural de Belém. (Mars 2014).
Vocal direction of the piece “A Constante Macabra” with the University Group of Coimbra-TEUC which received the prize of Lisbon of the University Theatre Festival-FATAL, (Mars 2016).
Direction of the workshop “Theater Voice and Singing”, in the Theatre Festival of Montemor-o-Novo, organized by THEATRON (October 2016). Two comunications to the International Colloque “Voice on Stage”, organized by the Centre of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Letters,Universidade de Lisboa (November 2016).