SociMus – Advanced Studies in the Sociology of Music Cluster
Acting as a collaborative space, committed to critical discussion, research and the production of knowledge through hybrid working models, SociMus brings together a team of researchers and students of varying profiles who have in common their commitment to the study of discursive practices and technologies about music, musical behaviours and cultures, networks and spaces of sociability, ideologies, meanings and values associated with music reception processes, among others. Strongly interdisciplinary, and anchored primarily in the intellectual instruments of the sociology of music, understood in its broadest and most plural sense, it currently favours three themes, spanning mainly the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, which are developed in distinct but complementary teams: The Sound and Music in Digital and Audiovisual Media Studies Team, the Music in the Press Studies Team and the Music Media and Audiences in Portugal from 1974 to the present Team.
João Tiago Araújo | Bruno Martins | Bruno Reis | Diana Gonzalez | Jonas Runa | Lídia Gómez | Luís Mandacaru | Vinicius Jonas de Aguiar | João Nepomuceno Batuca | Rafaela Jordan Gomes | Laura Pereira