Magic Lantern: Study, Safeguard, Uses and Reuses in 19th Century Portugal
With MAGICA, we aim to answer the following questions:
Q1) How do the image repositories for magic lanterns relate to the country’s cultural/theatrical/didactic life in 19th-c.Portugal?
Q2) What was the use, role, and significance of magic lanterns in the new theatre discourses involving light, music, text and scenic illusion of the 19thc. in Portugal?
Q3) To what extent do the magic lantern and phantasmagoria create new forms of theatre and musical-theatre?
Q4) How can one preserve the materiality and at the same time use the image repository of magic lantern glass slides?
Q5) How can we engage the general public with this fascinating part of our heritage (in an increasingly digital world where the performing arts are undergoing significant changes)?
Unidade de Investigação Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes (VICARTE/FCTUNL/UNL) I Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT (NOVA.ID.FCT) I Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) I Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) I Universidade de Coimbra (UC) I Universidade de Lisboa (Ulisboa)
Alexandra Rodrigues (NOVA FCT – VICARTE) I Anaëlle Soares (PSL University – VICARTE) I Ângela Santos (NOVA FCT – VICARTE) I Armanda Rodrigues (NOVA FCT – NOVA-LINCS) I Carla Machado (NOVA FCT – VICARTE) I Carmen López-San Segundo (USAL) I Catarina Mateus (MUHNAC – ULisboa) I Flavie Delort (PSL University – VICARTE) I F. Javier Frutos-Esteban (USAL) I Gilberto Pereira (UCoimbra) I Matthias Knorr (NOVA FCT – NOVA-LINCS) I Nuno Correia (NOVA FCT – NOVA-LINCS) I Paula Magalhães (CESEM) I Rita Silva (NOVA FCT) I Sofia Pires (NOVA FCT – VICARTE) I Teresa Almeida (FBAUP – VICARTE) I Teresa Girão (UCoimbra – CFE) I Tiago Veiga (NOVA FCT – LAQV-REQUIMTE) I Vanessa Otero (NOVA FCT – LAQV-REQUIMTE)