Performance of Medieval Monophony: Text and Image as Evidence for Musical Practice, edited by Kristin Hoefener and Claire Taylor Jones, Textus & Musica 7 (2023)

This issue of Textus & Musica, «Performance of Medieval Monophony: Text and Image as Evidence for Musical Practice», explores textual and visual sources related to the performance of medieval monophonic song, providing insight into historical contexts and practices. Monophonic song is fundamental to medieval musical culture, but many questions related to its performance still need...
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Musical Arts Master degree: new curricular structure I Applications open

The applications for the Master’s in Musical Arts at the FCSH are open until July 22. Its new curricular structure, with a multidisciplinary approach within the framework of Musical Sciences, focuses on techniques, creative, and performance practices related to the music and entertainment industries. The Master’s in Musical Arts deals with the technical, artistic, musicological,...
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28 Jun 2024

Conference Musica Monialium

The Musica Monialium Symposium is one of the initiatives of the AVEMUS project – Music in concertato style at the Monastery of São Bento da Avé-Maria in Porto (1775-1829). Funded by the FCT and carried out within the institutional framework of CESEM – FCSH, UNL, the symposium aims to present to the scientific community and...
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IV International Conference Rethinking Soundscapes: Communities, Heritage and Traditions + 4th Meeting of the ICTMD National Committee- Portugal

The International Conference Rethinking Soundscapes: Traditions, Communities and Heritage, which coincides with the 4th Meeting of the ICTMD National Committee – Portugal is organised by the Centre for Studies in Sociology and Musical Aesthetics (CESEM) – Évora Branch/Music Department of the School of Arts of the University of Évora, as part of the IN2PAST Associated...
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A Session in Braille Musicography with Eduarda Azevedo

The Filarmónica Enarmonia of the Bengala Mágica Association, with the support of CESEM and the Department of Musical Sciences, organized a new training session in musical education to the visually impaired at NOVA FCSH on June 7th. Following the sessions held last academic year on teaching resources and methodologies with Angela Pino (Universidad Autonoma de...
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Musical iconography Thematic Line at the RIdIM Congress, Vienna, 2024 – Laughing your staves off: irony, satire, and parody in visual representations and narratives of music

Manuel Mendes Madeira, a collaborator of the Musical Iconography Thematic Line, has been selected to participate in the RIdIM 2024 conference with the presentation: ‘The “Insolite” in the Opera: Perplexity or laughter? through Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro’s nineteenth century caricatures’. The 23rd International Conference of Association RIdIM will take place in Vienna (Austria) at the Universität...
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