Isabel Monteiro

Maria Isabel Lopes Monteiro


Isabel Monteiro holds a Master’s degree in Musicology, with the dissertation “Wind instruments and players in Portuguese sixteenth century”, by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in music performance – Recorder – by the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. The intersection of these two areas, artistic and musicological, promotes the designing of new concert programs and the presentation of related areas papers in conferences. Papers published in the last few years include “Orquestra de jazz quinhentista? Considerações sobre charamelas em Portugal” (CESEM, 2018), “A ‘Assunção’ de Vasco Fernandes: um olhar musicológico” (Museu Grão Vasco, 2016), “Instrumentos musicais a bordo das armadas manuelinas no Atlântico e no Índico” (Caleidoscópio, 2015), “Circulação de instrumentos musicais no espaço português quinhentista” (Universidade de Coimbra, 2015). Other papers are about to be published, namely “Recebimento Real, 1518: eventos festivos & música” – presented at the meeting “Soundscapes/ Paisagens Sonoras”, in the Universidade de Évora (2017) – connected to the homonym DOLCIMELO’s project, and “Músicos na noite (séc. XVI): indesejáveis ou indispensáveis?” – presented at the conference “Lembrar-me-ei desta noite, nem que viva mil anos”: Ritmos, Vivências e Percepções da Noite na Época Moderna, in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2018) – as a result of the research developed for the making of a DOLCIMELO’s play with Renaissance theatre, music and dance, together with the Ensemble La Portingaloise devoted to historical dances, entitled “Auto do Labirinto (ou Labirinto do Amor)”. She is a Recorder and Chamber Music teacher at the Academia de Música de Santa Cecília, in Lisbon, and the artistic director of the Portuguese early music consort IL DOLCIMELO.