Maria Lúcia de Castro Cardoso de Lemos
Full member
CEFAC Universidade Lusófona
PHD. Assistant Teacher at ECATI, Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa. (Voice and Singing) Integrated Researcher at CESEM (Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical) and CERAP (Centre d’Études et de Recherche Appliquée en Pédagogie Perceptive).
Soprano, Singing teacher ; fasciatherapist.
Lucia obtained a PHD in Performing Arts, a Masters in Perceptive Pedagogics, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She also has a Singing degree from the Lisbon Conservatory and continued her vocal and musical studies in London for four years.
Her versatile career as a soloist singer covers specialy recitals, but also oratory, theatre, Contemporary Opera all over Portugal, England, Belgium, France, Macao, Mozambique, Brazil, Azores and Madeira. In Opera she performed: Amor de Perdição (Corifeu), at the Lisbon Opera and Brussels Europalia, The BeggarsOpera (Polly), the Merry Widow (Jou Jou) at the Macau Festival, La Traviatta (Annina), Nefertiti (Nefertiti), Britten’s The Beggars Opera (Jenny Diver), Sweeney Todd, (Chorus), A Orquidea Branca (Imperatriz) and recently La Voix Humaine (Elle), at the Lisbon S. Luiz Theatre and in tour.
She has taught vocal technique and singing since 1987. Her holistic approach to voice work (physical, emotional, reflexive, and sensorial) looks for the autonomy of the singer, respecting the physiology and health of the vocal apparatus, developing perceptions and awareness (ear and proprioception), building a conscious relationship with the body, and exploring the voice as a self-expression therapeutical tool. She sustains a continuous private work, and has also taught in music, theatre and dance schools, radio and television, and has featured workshops all over Portugal, Germany and Brazil.
She integrates Danis Bois’ Fasciatherapy (manual therapy of releasing fascial tensions) supporting singers in stress management and body awareness.
She has lectured in conferences and published articles in the Gazeta do Artista, the scientific review Réciprocités, and in the books Research in Arts and Absurdity, and Colher para Semear.
She is a member of the Investigation Groups CERAP ( Universidade Fernando Pessoa -Porto and CESEM(Universidade Nova-Lisboa)