Nariá Assis

Research Group

Graduated in piano from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Master in Music from the same institution. As a pianist, she has participated in music festivals such as Vale do Café, Villa-Lobos, FAMES International Piano Festival, Panorama da Música Brasileira Atual and Forum of Composers. As a composer, she has recently released the experimental album MUDA (Música Insólita, 2022). She is currently pursuing a PhD in Musical Sciences at Nova/FCSH with the thesis: NON-BEAT-BASED RHYTHM — from the decline of metrics and pulsation towards a new paradigm of listening and analyzing post-tonal music, a project funded by FCT in the 2022/2023 academic year. She is also a collaborative pianist on the music course at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and an independent piano teacher.

Ribeiro, N. A., & Cohen, S. (2020). O conceito de métrica incomum com pulso obscuro de Allen Winold2, 209–218.

Ribeiro, N. A. (2022). Efeitos do fonógrafo, Modernismo e arte sonora: Uma leitura (escuta) de O Som é um texto desmutado – b-Aluria (Gabriela Nobre)MusiMid: Revista Brasileira de Estudos em Música e Mídia3(1), Article 1.