Nariá Assis

Nariá Assis Ribeiro

Graduated in piano by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. Master of Music by the same institution. As a pianist, she participated in music festivals such as Vale do Café, Villa-Lobos, FAMES International Piano Festival, Panorama da Música Brasileira Atual e Fórum de Compositores. She is also interested in drama and composition and was a member of Cia. Teatral Nosconosco of UERJ and of Moitará’s research group. She also worked as monitor in UFRJ and as junior researcher of the same institution. She is a collaborative pianist at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and independent piano teacher. Since 2020 she is a doctoral student in Ciências Musicais at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where she conducts research on non-pulsating rhythm in post-tonal music.