Natalia Barranco Vela

Natalia Barranco Vela

Research Group

Lecturer in the area of Didactics of Musical Expression at the University of Jaén since 2019. She holds a Higher Degree in Music from the Conservatory of Jaén, specialising in Piano and Music Production and Management. She has completed postgraduate studies at the University of Jaén, obtaining the title of Master’s Degree in Research and Aesthetic Education in the speciality of Music with the Extraordinary Prize for the best record. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis in the Didactic Innovation and Teacher Training programme at the University of Jaén. Her research focuses on music and gender and 20th century Spanish music.

She is co-author of several book chapters, including De compositoras, intérpretes y maestras: la mujer en la música (2021) and La maestra de música: imagen estereotipada de una profesión (2023). She has also participated with research work in various competitive R+D+I projects.

She has participated as a communicator and speaker in national and international seminars and congresses, the most recent being the Contextura International Symposium (2023). She has participated as a member of the Organising Committee of several music congresses, such as the X Congress of the Spanish Society of Musicology, SEdeM (Baeza, 2021).

Date of Arrival 30/04/2024
Date of Departure 31/07/2024
Purpose of visit Outro
Supervising Researcher Luísa Cymbron