Ana Paixão, CESEM Researcher, receives Portuguese Order of Merit

Researcher Ana Paixão, a member of CESEM since 2002 (in which she belongs to the Critical Theory and Communication Research Group and is part of CESEM’s Scientific Board) was awarded the Order of Merit in December 2018, at a ceremony held at the Portuguese Embassy in Paris. Ana Paixão, PhD in Comparative Literature, with a...
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Music Iconography in the project + Lisboa

Beatriz Carvalho (BIC scholarship. Núcleo de Iconografia Musical / CESEM) has published a text related to the Condes / Hard Rock Café building on the + Lisboa project, FCSH, NOVA University

Nicola Bizzo (NIM / CESEM) highlighted in the Italian press

The researcher of CESEM/NIM, Nicola Bizzo, was interviewed in two Italian periodicals, “La Stampa” and “Eco de Biella”, about his collection of materials related to the Queen band, as well as about the preparation of his e-book and the work he develops as a researcher in musical iconography at CESEM/ NOVA University of Lisbon.  

Free and Full Access to International Scientific Papers

Until the end of March, the entire NOVA FCSH community will be able to access Oxford University Press magazines free of charge. A set of 342 journals, 154 of which in the areas of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, are available in free access through this link to Oxford University Press. By the end of...
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IMPROVISO SOBRE IMPROVISAÇÃO By Carlos Zíngaro Day 5th  April, 14-16h Laboratório de Música e Comunicação na Infância do CESEM   Carlos Zingaro is a Portuguese violinist and electronic musician active in free improvisation. Zingaro studied classical music at the Lisbon Music Conservatory from 1953 to 1965, and during the years 1967/68 he studied pipe organ...
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Press News: Helena Rodrigues and the project Germinarte

Helena Rodrigues dá conferência sobre a aposta de Loulé na arte para a infância No dia 28 de março, pelas 21h30, a professora Helena Rodrigues (da prestigiada Companhia de Música Teatral) vai estar no Auditório do Solar da Música Nova, em Loulé, para proferir uma conferência sobre o projeto GermInArte e a aposta na Arte...
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New Full Professorship at NOVA FCSH: Manuel Pedro Ferreira

Last Monday March 25, an international jury at NOVA FCSH in Lisbon, pronounced its verdict concerning the public competition for a full Professorship in the specialty of Historical Musicology, a vacancy opened last year at NOVA’s Department of Musicology. Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Associate Professor with Habilitation in the same Department, and chair of CESEM, was...
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Call for Papers | EINEM 2019

1st International Research Meeting for Music and Musicology Students Colégio Mateus de Aranda | University of Évora | 28th to 30th of November 2019 The first edition of this international meeting for young researchers in the fields of Music and Musicology is being organized by the CESEM – Delegation of the University of Évora and...
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