Early Music Studies

Early Music Studies

Co-Coordinator: Océane Boudeau

This Group focuses on historically documented music performed or preserved in the Iberian Peninsula and former overseas colonies, particularly that related to Portugal, up to the late 18th century, including the identification of relevant sources and their comprehensive study. This implies the assessment of their social, cultural, and geographical contexts, their circulation processes, the investigation of related compositional, aesthetic, theoretical, and interpretative issues, and the recovery of music for performance through critical editing. The high-level philological work developed by this Group since its creation in 2009 has contributed decisively to a better understanding of Early Music in Iberia, leading gradually to its full integration into the historical narratives on Western Music. The working ethics of this Group is based on collegiality between senior and junior researchers, integration of young students through internships and scholarships, development of collaborative projects, promotion of national and international cooperation, and unlimited access to the sources collected and the outcomes of research.

Full members
Full members without PhD
2024-2030Traces of performance in writing: improvisation as re-composition in instrumental music of the Iberian Peninsula 1535–17002023.07793.CEECIND
2024-2025Organ Music on the Instruments to which it was conceivedIDI&CA 2024, IPL/IDI&CA2024/ORG_ESML
2023-2029Chant Culture in Female Dominican Convents with a Focus on Portugal: Repertoire, Sources, and Practical Performance2022.05825.CEECIND/CP1725/CT0041
2023-2026Echoes from the Past: Unveiling a Lost Soundscape with Digital Analysis2022.01957.PTDC
2022-2023MARCMUS - Music Paper and Handwriting Studies in Portugal (18th and 19th Centuries): The Case Study of the Collection of the Count of RedondoEXPL/ART-PER/0749/2021-PTDC 2021
2022-2023The Musical Manuscripts from the Monastery of Belém. The Exploration of an Unknown Hieronymite TraditionEXPL/ART-PER/1031/2021
2021-2024Texts and Voices Lost and Found. Recovering, Reconstituting, and Recreating Musical Fragments (c.1100-c.1600)PTDC/ART-PER/0902/2020
2021-2023The Revival of Salve Regina. Cantos Marianos Medievais de Aveiro: Musical Sources, Gender Specific Context, and Performance101038090
2020-2026Dissemination of the Romano-Frankish Plainchant inside the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages: Assimilation of an International Tradition or Creation of Portuguese Musical Specificities?CEECIND/03216/2018
2019-2025The Music Library of John IV of Portugal: Reconstructing Lost Music Collections and Resurrecting Portuguese Cultural HeritageCEECIND/02074/2017
2019-2020Portuguese Liturgical manuscripts from the Middle Ages: Dissemination and Creation of the musical repertories inside the Iberian PeninsulaCEECIND/04371/2017
2019-2020Renaissance CanonsUIDB/00693/2020
2018-2021Sanfona - Terminology of musical instruments in portuguese in Portugal and BrazilUID/EAT/00693/2019
2017-Catalogue of the Music Archive of the Museum-Library of the House of BraganzaUIDB/00693/2020
2016-2019The Anatomy of Late 15th- and Early 16th-Century Iberian Polyphonic Music: An Overall Analysis, Philology and Critical Editing of Surviving RepertoriesPTDC/CPC-MMU/0314/2014
2015-2019The liturgical music in the Portuguese sources (1100-1650): networks of creation and diffusion of the repertories inside the Iberian PeninsulaSFRH/BPD/104542/2014
2015-2016The Historical Collection of the Convent of Arouca: Recovering and CataloguingProc. 138407
2010-2013Musical Exchanges, 1100-1650: The Circulation of Early Music in Europe and Overseas in Iberian and Iberian-Related SourcesPTDC/EAT-MMU/105624/2008
2007-2008Anthology: Music in Portugal until the RenaissanceApoios pontuais 2007/ PP07-331
2005-2008Digital Survey of Manuscript Musical Heritage (before 1600)POCTI/EAT/46895/2002
2004-2008Cultural Confluences in the Music of Alfonso XPOCTI/EAT/38623/2001